Welcome to legalriskmanagement.com

This website is established with a view to present my academic work, which revolves around market law in a broad sense, including data protection and other fundamental rights. On this website you can find more information about my publications and presentations.

Jan Trzaskowski, PhD
Professor of law at Copenhagen Business School and Aalborg University

Jan Trzaskowski | Curriculum Vitae

Jan Trzaskowski is Born in Rødovre, Denmark in 1972, he lives in Copenhagen with wife and kids, and he is Professor, Ph.D. at CBS LAW and Aalborg University, and he has for more than 25 years been professionally engaged in legal and regulatory aspects of information technology with particular focus on marketing and the protection of personal data. His research is international with particular focus on EU law as well as multidisciplinary by including behavioural sciences and economics in his analyses of the law. His current focus is on fundamental rights concerning information and communication in the modern information society.

Jan Trzaskowski has been involved in numerous private and public initiatives concerning legal aspects of new technology, including information technology and electronic commerce. He is author/co-author to a number of books, articles, and reports on marketing law and Internet law. Under previous employment he was Head of the Danish delegation that negotiated the E-Commerce Directive (Directive 2000/31) and OECD Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (1999). Co-founder of Creative Commons Denmark and Editor-in-Chief at Ex Tuto Publishing (academic publisher with focus on law books).

Jan Trzaskowski

Jan Trzaskowski is a popular and competent lecturer and a prolific writer of both scientific and popular works. He has been teaching at Danish and foreign universities since 1996. External assignments are carried out through Jurapartner A/S. Co-founder and board member of Nordjysk GDPR-Netværk.

From 1986 to 1988 Jan Trzaskowski did freelance work writing computer programs (Commodore 64/128 Assembler & BASIC) and articles for a Danish computer magazine (IC RUN). The interest in programming has waned but his fascination with new technology is still the driving force in his research and practical legal work. Some coding and other creative work is still exercised (take a look at www.mere.info).

Brief Curriculum Vitae



More information, complete CV, and contact details at www.cbs.dk.

List of Publications

Peer-reviewed publications

Monographs | single author

Articles in journals and anthologies

Books | co-author, editor, etc.

Other publications

Articles and other papers

Book chapters

Research-based reports

Book reviews

Book editing and translations

Articles from UfR and EBLR are available with kind permission from the publisher.

List of Presentations

Jan Trzaskowski, Your Privacy Is Important to Us! – Restoring Human Dignity in Data-Driven Marketing (Ex Tuto 2021)

Currently, I primarily speak about my book on the interplay between data and consumer protection (Your Privacy Is Important to Us! – Restoring Human Dignity in Data-Driven Marketing). An updated list of talks can be found at ypii.eu. See also www.humandignity.ai

Academic presentations

Paper-based presentations

Other academic presentations

Other presentations

